
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9782360570041
Collection: Dictionnaires L&M
16 x 24 cm
Weight: 616 gr
Pages: 384
Edition : 2011
First publication: 01/06/1991
Last printing: 07/2022

Dictionnaire hindi-français

This dictionary is part of a set together with the Dictionnaire français-hindi (French-Hindi Dictionary) by the same author. Intended for beginners learning Hindi, but also for the Hindi-speaking user, it contains about 5,000 entries. The words are printed in large enough font to assist those who still struggle with reading the Devanagari script. For the benefit of Hindi speaking readers, the gender of French words and feminine adjectives are included. The translation into Devanagari is followed by its pronunciation in international phonetic notation. A letter between parentheses indicates the origin of the word, if known, and mentions its grammatical status. Many exemplar sentences help clarify the different meanings of the word in order to use it appropriately.

Paper book


Federica Boschetti

Federica BOSCHETTI studied Hindi at INALCO and has a long practice of the language in the country. She is also the author of a Hindi-French Dictionary, first published by Éditions du Makar and taken up by the Asiathèque.


PRÉFACE (Preface)
I. LE LEXIQUE HINDI (Hindi Lexicon)
II. LA PRÉSENTATION (Presentation)
III. L'ÉCRITURE ET LA PHONÉTIQUE (Writing and phonetics)
1. L'écriture (Writing)
1.1.Notation des voyelles (Notation of vowels)
1.2. Notation des consonnes (Notation of consonants)
1.3. Formes spéciales (Special forms)
1.4. Signes auxiliaires (Auxiliary signs)
2. La prononciation (Pronunciation)
2.1. Voyelles (Vowels)
2.2. Consonnes (Consonants)
2.3. Consonnes vibrantes (Vibrating consonants)
2.4. Phonèmes étrangers (Foreign phonemes)
1. Traitement de la voyelle अ a (Treatment of the vowel 'a')
2. Traitement de la voyelle ऋ R (Treatment of the vowel 'R')
3. Traitement de la nasalisation (Treatment of nasalisation)
4. Traitement des consonnes "vibrantes" (Treatment of "vibrating" consonants)
5. Traitement du visarga (Treatment of visarga)
6. Traitement des phonèmes étrangers (Treatment of foreign phonemes)
PRÉCIS GRAMMATICAL (Grammatical summary)
1. Genre et nombre (Gender and number)
2. Déclinaison (Declension)
3. Accord de l'adjectif (Adjective agreement)
4. Indicateurs de fonction (Indicators of function)
5. Pronoms (Pronouns)
6. Système verbal (Verbal system)
7. Formes verbales impersonnelles (Impersonal verbal forms)
8. Auxiliaires modaux (Modal auxiliaries)
9. Verbes composés (Compound verbs)
10. Voix passive (Passive voice)
11. Dérivation verbale (Verbal derivation)
12. structures des phrases (Sentence structure)
13. Formation des mots (Word formation)
14. Mots composés (Compound words)
15. Mots doubles (Double words)
TABLEAUX DE CONJUGAISON (Conjugation tables)
TABLE DES ABRÉVIATIONS (Tables of abbreviations)