
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9782360573905
Collection: 80 mots du monde
12 x 18 cm
Weight: 175 gr
Pages: 184
First publication: 08/11/2023
Last printing: 08/2024
CLIL: 3718

80 mots du Vietnam

Preface : Marcelino Truong Luc

80 words which are so many stories which tell Vietnam and which, in addition to the roots of the words and their resonance in the hearts of the women and men who use them, evoke the link special relationship that the author has with Vietnam, its people and their language. Anna Moï is of Vietnamese origin. She lived her entire childhood in the country, then moved married to a Frenchman, traveled the world, resettled for a few years in Vietnam before returning to France. It therefore has a profoundly Vietnamese culture and at the same time time is no longer quite Vietnam and takes a look both tender and ironic on the history and traditions of his country of origin. In small, vividly sketched paintings, often ending with an amusing punchline, it evokes linguistic particularities, people, flora, fauna.

Paper book


"... After taking us to India, South Korea, Cambodia and Afghanistan, and before stopping off in Tunisia in February 2024, here's the one we like best of all, a book we love: "80 mots du Vietnam", a bouquet concocted by novelist Anna Moï - author of "Riz noir" (2004) and "Venin du papillon" (2017) published by Gallimard. ..."

(L'Obs, 07/12/2023)
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It's a country where the lotus is the national flower, and the language has all the poetry of it. In 80 mots du Viêtnam, Anna Moï reveals all its delicacy.

(Le Figaro, 03/11/2023)
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Six artists taste the flavour of words

(La Croix, 29/10/2023)
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Anna Moï

Anna Moï moved to France from Vietnam in 1973. She writes stories in French, most of which originate in her native country, which she would return to twenty years later. She has received several literary awards: in 2017, the Littérature-monde prize (Étonnants Voyageurs festival) for the novel Le Venin du papillon (Gallimard); in 2021, the Prix littéraire de la Renaissance française (Académie des sciences d'Outre-mer) for Douze palais de mémoire; in 2022, the Grand Prix Hervé-Deluen (Académie française).

Photo : © Laurent Schwab


80 mots du monde
ISSN : 2650-4790
The collection "80 words of the world" offers a journey to the heart of a country through the words that count in the languages of the women and men who live there.