
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9782360570034
Collection: Hors Collection
16 x 24 cm
Weight: 439 gr
Pages: 272
First publication: 22/06/2010
Last printing: 05/2017

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Nuances et subtilités de la langue chinoise

Manuel d'analyse lexicale pour francophones 2

This book is following the volume Mots chinois, mots français - Manuel d’analyse lexicale pour francophones 1 (Chinese words, French words - Manual of lexical analysis for French speakers 1), written by Honghua Poizat-Xie and Nicolas Zufferey. It analyses precisely a list of 300 words, considered to be problematic by French intermediate and advanced learners. The goal being mainly educational, this book was built as a useful tool, more detailed than a dictionary, with numerous illustrative examples for each word. Yet, it is not as precise as a research article or a specialized study. Indeed, the authors chose to focus on a selective and targeted list, applying to the learner's needs, rather than an exhaustive one. It can be useful for teachers, as a concise and efficient tool to expand on vocabulary and grammatical analysis, and for intermediate and advanced students who want to deepen and improve their knowledge, through a better understanding and use of a word rather than another.

Paper book


Marie Wyss

Marie Wyss is a doctoral student and assistant in the Chinese Studies Unit at the University of Geneva.

Honghua Poizat-Xie

Honghua Poizat-Xie teaches Chinese language and literature at the University of Geneva. She is also the author of a series of Chinese learning books at L'Asiathèque.


Table des matières

ài, xĭhuān – àihào, xĭ’ài, rè’ài, téng’ài, nì’ài 爱、喜欢 - 爱好、喜爱、热爱、疼爱、溺爱

ānquán, píng’ān 安全、平安

bābude, hènbude 巴不得、恨不得

bĕnzhì, shízhì, xìngzhì, pĭnzhì, sùzhì 本质、实质、性质、品质、素质

bùdebù, bùyóude, yóubudé, bùdéyĭ – bùjiàndé 不得不、不由得、由不得、不得已 - 不见得

bùdéliăo, liăobudé 不得了、了不得

bùguăn, jĭnguăn, zhĭguăn 不管、尽管、只管

bùhăoyìsi, xiăoyìsi, yìsi yìsi/yìsi yīxià, xīnyì 不好意思、小意思、意思意思/意思一下、心意

chàbuduō, chà(yī)diănr, jīhū, jiănzhí 差不多、差(一)点儿、几乎、简直

cháng/zhăng 长

dàilái, yĭnqĭ, dăozhì, zàochéng 带来、引起、导致、造成

dànshì/dàn, kĕshì/kĕ, què, bùguò, jiùshì, rán’ér – făn’ér/făndăo 但是/但、可是/可、却、不过、就是、然而 - 反而/反倒

dàoqiàn, bàoqiàn, yuánliàng 道歉、抱歉、原谅

dédào, qŭdé, huòdé, yíngdé, bódé 得到、取得、获得、赢得、博得dòngrén, gănrén, găndòng 动人、感人、感动

dōngxi, shì 东西、事

duì, gĕi, xiàng, wèi, tì 对、给、向、为、替

duì, duìyú 对、对于

duìyú, guānyú – yŏuguān 对于、关于 - 有关

fāxiàn, fājué, fāmíng 发现、发觉、发明

fēnbié, qūbié, biànbié, biànrèn, shíbié 分别、区别、辨别、辨认、识别 

găizhèng, găijìn, găiliáng, găishàn 改正、改进、改良、改善

găndào, gănjué dào, gănjué, gănshòu, gănxiăng, juéde 感到、感觉到、感觉、感受、感想、觉得

gănkuài, gănjĭn, găngmáng, liánmáng – jí, jímáng, zháojí, jízhe 赶快、赶紧、赶忙、连忙 - 急、急忙、着急、急着

gĕi, jiāo, dì 给、交、递

gōngzī, xīnshuĭ, shōurù, bàochóu, dàiyù, jiăngjīn 工资、薪水、收入、报酬、待遇、奖金

guìzhòng, băoguì, zhēnguì 贵重、宝贵、珍贵

héshì, shìdàng, shìhé, shìyìng, fŭhé 合适、适当、适合、适应、符合

hĕn, zhēn, tài 很、真、太

huídá, dáfù, dāying 回答、答复、答应 

jīdòng, jīdòng rénxīn, jīliè, cìjī 激动、激动人心、激烈、刺激

jīshĭ… yĕ…, năpà… yĕ…, zài… yĕ… 即使⋯也⋯、哪怕⋯也⋯、再⋯也⋯

jìxù, jiēzhe, liánxù 继续、接着、连续

jiéguŏ, xiàoguŏ, hòuguŏ, chéngguŏ, chéngjì, chéngjiù 结果、效果、后果、成果、成绩、成就

jiēshòu, shòudào (shòu), jīngshòu, rĕnshòu, chéngshòu 接受、受到(受)、经受、忍受、承受

jìng, ānjìng, níngjìng, qīngjìng, yōujìng, wénjìng 静、安静、宁静、清静、幽静、文静

jīngguò, tōngguò 经过、通过

jué, jué 决、绝

kàn, kànjiàn, jiàn, wàng, qiáo, piē, dēng, dīng – shì, guān, gù, dŭ 看、看见、见、望、瞧、瞥、盯、瞪 - 视、观、顾、睹

kànzhòng, zhòngshì, qiángdiào, jiăngjiu 看重、重视、强调、讲究

kē, lì 颗、粒

liúxíng, shímáo 流行、时髦

mănyì, mănzú 满意、满足

nìngkĕ, nìngyuàn, nìngkĕn 宁可、宁愿、宁肯

píngcháng, píngfán, píngshí, píngrì 平常、平凡、平时、平日

quèshí, díquè, quèqiè, zhŭnquè, zhèngquè 确实、的确、确切、准确、正确 

ràng, jiào, qĭng, pài – jì, fā 让、叫、请、派 - 寄、发

rènshi, jiéshí, zhīshi, jiànshi 认识、结识、知识、见识 

rú, bĭrú (shuō), lìrú, jŭ lìzi, dă (ge) bĭfāng, bĭfāng shuō, bĭfāng – ná

láishuō, zhūrúcĭlèi 如、比如(说)、例如、举例子、打(个)比 方、比方说、 比方 - 拿⋯来说、诸如此类

shăo, chà, quē, quēshăo, quēfá, duănquē 少、差、缺、缺少、缺乏、短缺

shēnghuó, yīshēng, rénshēng, shēngmìng, rìzi – yībèizi, zhè bèizi, xià bèizi 生活、一生、人生、生命、日子 - 一辈子、这辈子、下辈子

shíjiān, shíhòu 时间、时候

sòng, péi, dài, gēn 送、陪、带、跟

suŏyĭ, yīncĭ, yúshì 所以、因此、于是

tè, tèbié, tèshū, tèdì, tèyì 特、特别、特殊、特地、特意

tèdiăn, tèsè, tèzhēng, tèxìng 特点、特色、特征、特性

téng, tòng 疼、痛

tīngshuō, jùshuō, chuánshuō, chuánwén, yŏu rénshuō 听说、据说、传说、传闻、有人说

tóngyàng, yīyàng, xiāngtóng 同样、一样、相同

tūrán, hūrán, mĕngrán 突然、忽然、猛然

wèir, wèidào, kŏuwèi, fēngwèi, zīwèi 味儿、味道、口味、风味、滋味

wù, dānwù 误、耽误

wúbiān, wújìn, wúqióng, wúxiàn – wú zhĭjìng, wúyá 无边、无尽、无穷、无限 - 无止境、无涯

xīwàng, pànwàng, qīwàng, kĕwàng, yuànwàng 希望、盼望、期望、渴望、愿望 

xiàng, cháo, wăng 向、朝、往

xiāoxi, xīnwén, xìnxī 消息、新闻、信息

xiăoxīn, zhùyì 小心、注意

xièxie, gănxiè, gănjī, jìngxiè, míngxiè 谢谢、感谢、感激、敬谢、鸣谢

xīnshăng, xiànmù, pèifú, jìngpèi 欣赏、羡慕、佩服、敬佩

xiū, bŭ 修、补

yán, yánzhòng, yánsù, yángé, yánlì 严、严重、严肃、严格、严厉

yăn, yănchū, biăoyăn, shàngyăn 演、演出、表演、上演

yāoqiú, qĭngqiú, xúnqiú, zhuīqiú 要求、请求、寻求、追求

yíhàn, kĕxī 遗憾、可惜

yīshí, zànshí, línshí 一时、暂时、临时

yòng, shĭyòng, yùnyòng, yìngyòng, căiyòng, lìyòng 用、使用、运用、应用、采用、利用

yòu… yòu…, jì… yòu…, yībiān… yībiān…, yīmiàn… yīmiàn…, yīfāngmiàn… lìngyīfāngmiàn… 又⋯又⋯、既⋯又⋯、 一边⋯一边⋯、一面⋯一面⋯、一方面⋯另一方面⋯

zhèng, zài, zhèngzài – zhe 正、在、正在 - 着

zhēnglùn, biànlùn, zhēngbiàn, zhēngyì, zhēngzhí 争论、辩论、争辩、争议、争执

zhìdù, xìtŏng, tĭxì, tĭzhì 制度、系统、体系、体制

zŭchéng, xíngchéng, gòuchéng 组成、形成、构成

zuìhòu, zhōngyú, dàodĭ, jiūjìng, bìjìng 最后、终于、到底、究竟、毕竟zuò, zuò 作、做

Index des mots chinois
Index des mots français
Table des matières de Mots chinois, mots français