
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9782130511700
Collection: Hors Collection
16.1 x 24 cm
Weight: 451 gr
Pages: 230
First publication: 01/06/1975
CLIL: 3147
BISAC: LAN009000

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Le déchiffrement des écritures et des langues

Colloque du XXIXe Congrès international des orientalistes

This work remains an important reference due to the complexity of the subjects treated within : Etruscan script, Minoan, Venetic, Iberian writing systems, the scripts of Asia Minor, Protosinaitic inscriptions, Khitan, Harappan writings, and Aztec and Mayan writing systems.

Paper book


Jean Leclant

Jean Leclant (1920-2011), French Egyptologist, was a specialist in Pharaonic history and civilization, in particular of the XXVth Dynasty. Appointed professor at the Collège de France in 1979, he held the chair of Egyptology until 1990.


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